As well as seeing colleagues I saw at the last year’s meeting, this year I met with new people, specialists and new friends from different parts of the country and the world- Denmark, Finland, Spain (new acquaintances from there), Germany, UK, Russia, Poland, Holland (the host), US and Romania.
It was confirmed to me once again, the real perspective of a new movement of the Holy Spirit in the area of Christian Psychology. And just like “you never know which way the wind blows”, you never know what will the Holy Spirit do, in which direction it will go and in what way he will make things right. He guided us in this meeting in an interfluent space between schools, perspectives, histories and different theologies, towards seeing and understanding the human being – its Person and dynamic.
The framework created by EMCAPP was (and I hope it will stay this way) a framework set for open , constructive dialogue met for discussions, debates, sharing and comprehensive analysis of what the Christian perspective has to say in psychotherapeutic practice and psychology .
This year’s symposium was rich and valuable in the subjects and the content of the seminars held with professionalism and assertiveness by the lecturers.
We skimmed through together some topics and models that brought out to light many ideas, such as :
-The historical road of changes made in the humanity’s conception from pre-modernism to post-modernism- seminar held by Dr. Charles Zeiders
-The interpsychological dynamic of the report between self-value and self-esteem- a topic held by the colleagues in Moscow (Olga Krasnikowa); they also held a valuable parenting workshop.
-A complex scientific work on defense mechanisms held by Mar Alvarez Segura, from Spain
– A topic about the “bricks” that can build and efficiently consolidate our lives, held by Saara Kinnunen, from Finland
-The aspect of the spiritual world, the light and the darkness, the way in which we can comprehend the spiritual transcendental life, was presented to us by Wolfram Solden, from Germany; He wonderfully exposed a perspective that reflected the power and ability of the Light to empower life and its triumph, Christ being the Light.
-Efficient exploratory techniques of the dynamics in the psychological disorders were brought to us by AnnaOstaszewska, from Poland.
The Emotional Logic has shown us once again, its pragmatic side in the psychotherapeutic steps and its quality to become for us an efficient approach of the immanent life difficulties.
This learning and dialogue community created in the context of EMCAPP was spiced with colorful moments, tasty, sweet and spicy at the same time, because of the people that got together, diverse, colorful, assertive, determined in their life purpose and strong beliefs.
I appreciate their openness for diversity so different form uniformity, the way that dialogue was encouraged and revealing the beauty of the Christian community through all this, based on the love of the Divine Truth.
Psih. Stefania Botez – President of the ACCR
Emcapp – o noua intalnire, un nou simpozion, noi dialoguri
Alaturi de colegi pe care i-am vazut si la intalnirea de anul trecut am fost impreuna cu alti specialisti, colegi si prieteni noi veniti din diferite tari si parti ale lumii – Danemarca, Finlanda, Spania (o prezenta noua), Germania, UK, Rusia, Polonia, Olanda – tara gazda, America si Romania.
Perspectiva unei miscari a Duhului Sfant in arealul psihologiei crestine mi-a fost reconfirmata. Si cum “nu stii incotro sulfa vantul”…asa nu stii ce va face Duhul Sfant, in ce directie si cum va indrepta El lucrurile; El ne-a purtat in aceasta intalnire intr-un spatiu al confluentelor dintre scoli, perspective, teorii, istorii si teologii diferite in a vedea si intelege Omul – Persoana si dinamica sa.
Cadrul creat de EMCAPP a fost, si sper sa ramana mereu, unul al dialogului deschis, constructiv, de dezbatere, impartasire si analiza comprehensiva a ceea ce perspectiva crestina are de spus in psihologia si practica psihoterapeutica.
Simpozionul de anul acesta a fost foarte bogat si valoros prin subiectele si continuturile seminariilor, sustinute cu professionalism si asertivitate de lectori.
Am parcurs impreuna subiecte si modele ce ne-au pus in lumina idei ca:
– Parcursul istoric al schimbarilor facute in mentalitatea umanitatii de la premodernism pana la postmodernism – un seminar sustinut de dr. Charles Zeiders
– Dinamica intrapsihica a raportului dintre valoarea de sine si stima de sine – subiect sustinut de echipa colegilor din Moscova (Olaga Krasnikowa); de asemenea, tot ei au sustinut un workshop foarte valoros de parenting
– O lucrare complexa, stiintifica despre mecanismele de aparare a fost sustinuta de Mar Alvarez Segura, din Spania
– Despre “caramizile” care ne pot construi si consolida efficient viata, ne-a vorbit Saara Kinnunen, din Finlanda
– Despre aspect ale lumii spirituale, despre lumina si intuneric, despre modul in care putem intelege lumea spirtuala, transcendetala, Wolfram Soldan, din Germania; a expus o perspectiva ce pune reflectorul pe puterea si abilitatea Luminii de-a imputernici viata si triumful ei, Hristos fiind Lumina
– Tehnici eficiente de explorare a dinamicii tulburarilor psihologice ne-au fost aduse in atentie de catre Annna Ostaszewska, din Polonia
– Din nou, Logica Emotionala ne-a arat partea ei pragmatica in demersul psihoterapeutic si calitatea ei de-a putea deveni pentru noi un mod de abordare efficient al dificultatilor inerente vietii
Aceasta comunitate de invatare si dialog creata in contextul EMCAPP, a fost “asezonata” cu moment cu gust si culori diverse, dulci si spicy de-o-potriva, ca intotdeauna cand sunt impreuna oameni, diversi, colorati, asertivi, determinati in scopul si crezul lor de viata. Apreciez deschiderea pentru diversitate vs. uniformitate, incurajarea dialogului si revelarea frumusetii comunitatii crestine prin toate acestea, bazata pe dragostea Adevarului Divin.
Stefania Botez